What Are Cryo Facials?

Would you believe us if we told you a blast of cold could seemingly turn back time, leaving your skin rejuvenated and youthful? Cryo facials, the latest trend in skincare, promise just that.

Originating from the Greek word ‘kryos’ meaning ‘icy cold,’ these facials are increasingly gaining popularity in the beauty industry.

Cryotherapy facials, or “cryo facials,” utilize extremely cold temperatures to invigorate the skin and improve its appearance.

They are a non-invasive way to obtain a brighter complexion and are believed to deliver visible results without the need for chemicals or surgery.

In this article, we will delve into the intricacies of cryo facials, explore their potential benefits—from skin tightening to reducing inflammation—and address the common questions about the procedure’s safety, expectations, and comparisons with traditional facials.

What is a cryotherapy facial?

Cryotherapy facials, also known as “frotox,” are skincare treatments that utilize the power of sub-zero temperatures to refresh and rejuvenate the skin.

Unlike whole-body cryotherapy, which immerses the body in a cryogenic chamber, cryo facials focus solely on the facial area. The device emits a controlled beam of liquid nitrogen vapors, which rapidly cools the skin’s surface.

Quick Facts:

  • Duration: Typically 10 to 15 minutes
  • Method: Application using a machine that emits liquid nitrogen vapors
  • Primary Benefits: Skin tightening, pore reduction, improved skin tone
  • Cost: See pricing for cryo facials here.

During the procedure, the cold shock causes a rush of blood flow to the face, which can contribute to an increase in the skin’s oxygen supply and vital nutrients.

Cryo facials are a quick, noninvasive option for those seeking a youthful, radiant complexion without the discomfort or downtime associated with more aggressive procedures.

Ice rollers and ice cubes are at-home alternatives, but they simply can’t replicate the extensive benefits of professional cryotherapy treatment.

How do cryotherapy facials work?

This trendy procedure calls upon the chilling effects of liquid nitrogen vapors, gently blown across the face, neck, and scalp. But how does it work?

The fleeting encounter with sub-zero temperatures provokes a natural response— a cold shock. It might sound scary, but it’s perfectly natural.

As the skin’s surface recoils from the cold, the underlying system kicks into high gear, hastening the flow of blood to the area. The rush of blood isn’t just a reaction; it’s a revitalizing force. Full of oxygen and essential nutrients, this freshly circulated blood replenishes the skin.

Counterintuitively, this exposure to the cold can help in stabilizing skin tone and returning it to its normal temperature, glowing with renewed health.

Unlike home methods, like ice rollers or applying ice cubes, professional cryo facials ensure an even and safe distribution of the cold, making it a uniquely soothing experience.

What are some of the benefits of cryotherapy facials?

As the chilly liquid nitrogen vapors encounter your skin, a series of positive reactions unfold beneath the surface, each contributing to a better-looking and feeling you. But what exactly does it do?

Skin Tightening

One of the immediate benefits noticed after a cryo facial is the appearance of tighter and firmer skin.

The very essence of the cold shock from cryotherapy causes blood vessels to constrict, a process known as vasoconstriction. This tightening of blood vessels subsequently leads to a tightening effect on the skin’s surface.

Regular treatments may enhance this benefit, contributing to a steadily firmer and more toned facial appearance over time.

Increased Collagen Production

Collagen is like the scaffolding of our skin, essential for a supple, youthful look.

As we age, our collagen production naturally declines, leading to sagging skin and wrinkles. However, cryo facials jumpstart the skin’s collagen synthesis.

With increased collagen production, the skin regains much of its elasticity and firmness, reducing the likelihood of wrinkles and sagging while promoting a robust and resilient complexion.

Smoothed Under-Eye Area

The problematic under-eye area, where dark circles and puffiness tend to be most pronounced, can especially benefit from a cryo facial.

The application of intense cold helps tighten and constrict the delicate blood vessels around the eyes, reducing swelling and the visibility of dark circles. Our clients often find that their under-eye area appears significantly brightened and smoother, contributing to a more awakened and refreshed look.

Quelling of Acne and Inflammation

Not only does cryotherapy treatment positively affect the skin’s appearance, but it also has therapeutic benefits for inflammatory skin conditions.

The chill from the cryo facial can help soothe the skin, effectively reducing the redness and swelling associated with acne, eczema, rosacea, and more. This anti-inflammatory response helps to calm the skin, promoting a balanced skin tone and providing relief from skin-related discomforts.

Are there any risks to cryotherapy facials?

Common concerns include numbness and tingling in the face, which typically subside shortly after treatment. In some extremely rare instances, there’s also a chance of sustaining an ice burn or even frostbite.

To maintain safety, these facials should only be performed by trained professionals like our team at Contour Spa.

Particular precautions must be taken by certain groups. Pregnant or nursing individuals should first consult their healthcare providers. Moreover, those with skin conditions like eczema, psoriasis, or rosacea need to get approval from a dermatologist, as the intense cold can aggravate these issues.

Additionally, those with darker skin tones should consider the risk of potential skin discoloration carefully before proceeding with a cryo facial. It’s important to have a candid discussion with a specialist about these risks, as skin discoloration can be prolonged or even permanent.

Remember, always prioritize safety and ensure you’re informed about the potential risks before deciding on a cryotherapy facial!

If you have questions about cryo facials, get in touch with our team of experts at Contour Spa here.

What to expect during the procedure

Undergoing a cryo facial can be a uniquely refreshing experience. Here’s what to expect during the procedure:

Imagine a fine mist of liquid nitrogen vapors caressing your face. This is the core of the cryo facial, applied via a special hose that directs the flow of this extremely cold substance over your skin.

As the liquid nitrogen gently contacts your face, you will experience a rush of cold—a sensation akin to the sudden chill of diving into icy water. This may induce a ‘cold shock’, leading to a rapid constriction of the blood vessels.

Although intense, this cold sensation is usually not painful and lasts only a few minutes until the skin returns to its normal temperature. You might notice your cheeks becoming momentarily rosy, indicating the flow of blood rushing back as the vessels dilate to their usual size.

Expect a brisk, invigorating session that will leave you feeling rejuvenated!

Cryo facial vs. Standard Facial

Cryo facials and standard facials are distinctive approaches to enhancing skin tone and overall facial care.

Cryo facials utilize liquid nitrogen vapors to deliver a cold shock to the skin, vastly cooler than any ice cubes or ice rollers. This intense cold causes a temporary decrease in the flow of blood to facial tissues, which in turn stimulates a rush of blood back to the area upon returning to normal temperature.

Standard facials, on the other hand, involve a variety of treatments such as steaming, exfoliation, extraction, creams, lotions, facial masks, peels, and massage. They generally aim to hydrate the skin, clear clogged pores, and remove dead cells to promote a healthy and glowing complexion.

FeatureCryo facialStandard Facial
TemperatureExtremely ColdRoom/Warm temperature
Main AgentLiquid Nitrogen VaporsVarious Creams and Serums
Treatment FocusSkin Tone, Muscle RecoveryHydration, Exfoliation
Blood Flow EffectInitial Slow Down, Then RushSteady Flow
Related TherapyWhole-Body CryotherapyTraditional Spa Treatments

Frequently Asked Questions

Cryo facials have piqued the interest of those looking to revitalize their complexion with the power of sub-zero temperatures. Allow us to clear the fog around this frozen frontier!

Who are cryo facials best for?

Cryo facials are a welcomed retreat for a diverse audience.

Individuals longing to turn back the clock and battle the signs of aging often find solace in cryotherapy treatments that spur collagen production and facilitate healing, resulting in a more youthful appearance.

The cold shock therapy is notably beneficial for those contending with skin afflictions such as acne, eczema, or psoriasis — the reduced temperature can diminish inflammation, ease irritation, and afford much-needed pain relief.

Besides the obvious dermatological advantages, those seeking a mood elevation might find cryo facials to be beneficial, as the treatment has been found to initiate endorphin release, boosting overall happiness.

In short: they’re for everyone!

Can I wear makeup during a cryo facial?

Yes! In contrast to traditional facials that often require a bare canvas, cryo facials are quite flexible, allowing you to leave your makeup on during treatment.

The chilling properties of liquid nitrogen vapors interact with your skin without necessitating the removal of cosmetics. So, whether you have a full face of makeup or just a light touch-up, you can confidently enjoy the anti-aging and beauty-enhancing effects of a cryo facial without any additional prep work.

How often can I get a cryo facial?

For the first few weeks, our Contour Spa clients find that a more frequent schedule, potentially multiple sessions a week, allows for a foundational impact on skin health.

Over time, as the effects accumulate, you can taper down the frequency to sustain the remarkable benefits.

Is it safe to have a cryo facial after Botox or fillers?

Yes, it is generally safe to engage in a cryo facial post-procedures like Botox or fillers, albeit with a prudent time buffer.

To ensure the efficacy of the injectables and to avoid unwanted interactions, we suggest waiting at least one month before subjecting your skin to the brisk embrace of a cryo facial.

This timeframe allows these treatments to settle and take full effect, making it safer to combine the benefits of both treatments.

Are cryo facials the same as frotox?

Yes, they are the same thing!

Concluding Thoughts

What a ride!

Cryo facials are a revolutionary skincare treatment that harnesses the power of cold temperatures to improve the overall health and appearance of the skin.

The effects of cryo facials are multifold, ranging from reduced inflammation and irritation to increased collagen production and improved skin tone.

Whether you are looking to reduce signs of aging, address skin ailments, or simply elevate your mood, cryo facials are a safe and effective treatment option.

Delve into a cryo facial today to experience the transformative power of cold temperatures and uncover a refreshed, glowing complexion. Your skin will thank you for it!

Book a session online today at Contour Spa.

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